To harvest: Blockchain
Using blockchain, IBM said, farmers will get rid of many of the expensive unknowns in the food supply chain and prevent food wastage, which is a lot of waste material that is currently the case.
Each participant in the food supply chain will know exactly how much to plant, order and send.
“Food loss will be greatly reduced and products that end up in the consumer cart will be fresher when they join forces together – blockchain technology, IoT devices and AI algorithms,” IBM said.
On shelves: Microbiome mapping
The third food technology innovation IBM has announced is the ability to use millions of microbes to protect what we eat. The new technique uses DNA and RNA sequencing using data analytics, which will allow the analysis of the genetic structure of food in a cheaper way. This will allow us to know a lot about the safety of what we eat.
On the table: AI sensors for food detection
IBM has stated that it is on track to develop technology that will help farmers, food processors and grocers – along with billions of consumers – detect hazardous contaminants in their food.
IBM has demonstrated a prototype that can detect foodborne pathogens within a product using portable AI sensors.
“These mobile bacterial sensors could dramatically shorten the speed of the pathogen test by a few days per second. This will allow anyone in the food chain to detect the presence of harmful pathogens such as E. coli or Salmonella before an epidemic occurs,” they explained. IBM.
For trash: VolCat
The latest innovation on stage was the transformation of garbage disposal and the creation of new plastic. Everything – from milk cartons to cake containers, grocery bags and cheese wax – will be recycled, and polyester companies will be able to recycle recycled waste into something useful.
That transition, IBM said, will be driven by an innovation called VolCat, a catalytic chemical process that digests polyester plastics into a substance that can be returned directly to plastics production machines to create new products.
Each of the above innovations was explained in just five minutes at the Science Slam conference and was therefore easily understood by the audience.
“Our researchers inspire us to imagine what could still be possible in five years. When an eight billionth person is born on Earth, she will enter a world more connected, more interdependent and more sensitive to change than her parents ever imagined. is the future that awaits us all, “said Arvind Krishna, SVP at IBM Cloud and Cognitive Software.
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