The younger generation prefers ecological packaging

14. July 2019. Nikola Vido

Today, sustainability, rural attractiveness and, of course, appearance is the most important conditions that the food sector must meet. This applies not only to the products but also to their packaging.

Landpack GmbH from Puchheim (Germany) started activities in this area in 2013 and is currently known throughout Europe for its unique packaging solutions for degradable hemp and straw packaging. According to the company’s director, Thomas Maier-Eschenlohr, demand is growing rapidly, he said freshplaza.

Straw is more visually striking

The company started with straw insulation materials, but in the meantime, hemp products have also become interesting to customers.

“Hemp is not as visually striking as straw. When you look at a straw, you immediately associate it with rural life and sustainability. Some mass-produced customers choose hemp, and smaller ones who don’t have big businesses, such as farm shops and butchers, prefer straw. The look is especially important for this last group of users. Especially young people or generation Y and Z insist on eco-friendly packaging, “says Maier-Eschenlohr, who argues that in many cases when selling fruits and vegetables, photos on the internet do not match the actual packaging. So fresh products from the farm are packed in plastic packaging and thus sent to customers who less and less want such packaging.

Research has shown that as many as 36 per cent of online shoppers will buy a product if it is in environmentally friendly packaging.

The younger generation prefers ecological packaging - ecological packaging

Their packaging, both hemp and straw, is a good insulator and absorbs shocks very well, which is very important, especially in the fruit and vegetable sector, where such packages are sent to products that are almost ready for the table.

Author: Maja Celing Celić, Agroklub

Photo: Bigstockphoto/Rido81

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