The first squash machine opened in Zaprešić

2. January 2020.

The first squash machine opened in Zaprešić

Retirees, and not only them, will benefit from the information that the first vending machine in Croatia for the sale of pumpkin (squash) oil has been opened in Zaprešić, next to the city market. It will work 24 hours a day, and the Vugec family is responsible for the quality, whose oil is increasingly in demand.

The product is closer to the citizens, and for the manufacturer, it is the expansion of sales. “Sales have been increasing for years. We have been involved with pumpkin oil production for the last 5 years. The constant market is looking for something new and then we thought about how to offer people something new,” says Vugec Livestock Director Helena Fabek.

The first squash machine opened in Zaprešić - OPG Vugec

In addition to pumpkin oil, pumpkin and pyrrhic flour are also sold at the vending machine. The plan is to expand the range. They will also sell pralines with pumpkin oil and pumpkin flour, as well as chocolate from pumpkin products.

Zaprešić offers many products from vending machines – cheese, milk, honey, and Bučomat was helped by the Zagreb County with 22 thousand kunas. The county has a measure that helps farmers from 30, 50 to 70% depending on their status. In this case, the return on costs is 70%, says Zaprešić Deputy Mayor Damir Benčević.


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