A high school student from Zagreb whose ad for work delighted the business world

14. July 2020. VeeMee

A high school student whose work ad delighted the business world

Between 18 and 30 kuna is the price of an hourly rate for which students work through student services. Most of them were employed in catering, warehouses and the tourism sector, but there are very few interested employers this year. They mostly look for a job on the Internet – and in this search today – more than ever before – it is important to stand out.

Contracts issued in student services are fewer than before. One, but not the only culprit is the school year which had to be extended.

– The reason is this situation around the COVID-19, which is probably why he has a little less work to do, says Igor Kos, director of the Varaždin School of Electrical Engineering.

Creativity is at stake in the search for a student job, and one ad on the business social network Linkedin caused an incredible response – a high school student wants to work to get to know the business world from the inside.

– After all, I want to gain some work experience, get to know how the company operates and the company’s processes. I think that in the first week over 100,000 people reviewed my post and I received a lot of messages of support, says Dino Kečević, student VII. high school in Zagreb.

A high school student from Zagreb whose ad for work delighted the business world - Dino Kečević

He could choose a job, serious offers came from the country and from abroad, many liked his proactive spirit.

– I support such things when young people aged 15, 16 are looking for a job. I think it creates them a better person, comments Marko Kozjak, founder of the digital platform VeeMee.

He is now part of a team working on the first platform for food traceability and presentation of Croatian and foreign farmers.

– It will monitor the complete traceability of products on the shelves, ensure the visibility of these products on the shelves. Registration of farmers, ie Croatian family members within our database, which is transparent and open to all, Kozjak added.

In addition to entering data, they will check that the codes that reveal the origin of the products in stores work – of course, in compliance with all prescribed measures. Dino will be remembered for his first job this summer, despite the corona crisis.


Projekt je sufinancirala Europska unija kroz Nacionalni plan oporavka i otpornosti 2021.-2026.: Financira Europska unija – NextGenerationEU.
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