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Mini mljekara – Veronika d.o.o.

Mini dairy

About us

About us

Mini dairy Veronika d.o.o. is located in the extreme northwest of Hrvatsko Zagorje, in the small town of Desinić. The Desinić area has always been known for the Veliki Tabor castle and the ancient legend of Veronika Desinićka. Inspired by this legend, the dairies named Veronika.

Mini dairy Veronika started operating in 2000, as the first and still the only dairy in the Krapina-Zagorje County. Today, the Mini Dairy Veronika with over 200 employees and daily processing of 25,000 litres of milk is the main economic driver of the municipality of Desinić and its wider environment.

At the end of 2015, a new modern production plant was built, thus completing the multi-year cycle of investments in the technical and technological modernization of the milk processing plant.

In production and the rest of the business, we strive to maintain the quality of a wide range of products so that our customers can continue to consume healthy, quality products with the original taste of domestic production.

Visit us

We can boast of a wide retail network consisting of Veronika Mini Dairy outlets where only dairy products and Veronika Delicatessen outlets can be purchased.

In addition to the sale of our own products, at the Veronika delicatessen outlets, we have a wide offer of 100% domestic, healthy and fine products exclusively from Croatian family farms.



Plavi ceker
Healthy living
Mlijeko hrvatskih farmi


Everything we produce we mostly sell through our own retail.

The rest is made by our long-term customers – restaurants, cafes, pastry shops, bakeries.

Fairs: 100% Zagorje, Buy Croatian, International Agricultural and Food Fair AGRA (Slovenia), Novi Sad Fair (Novi Sad), National Cheese Evaluation

Awards won: We participate in domestic and international competitions where the quality of our products is confirmed from year to year by winning the highest awards.

Membership in associations/cooperatives: Association of Mini Dairies, Croatian Dairy Association

All our products are made from exclusively homemade milk without the addition of preservatives!
Projekt je sufinancirala Europska unija kroz Nacionalni plan oporavka i otpornosti 2021.-2026.: Financira Europska unija – NextGenerationEU.
Krajnji primatelj financijskog instrumenta sufinanciranog iz Europskog fonda za regionalni razvoj u sklopu Operativnog programa "Konkurentnost i kohezija" https://hamagbicro.hr/
The creation of this website was co-financed by the European Union from European Structural and Investment Funds Krajnji korisnik financijskog instrumenta sufinanciranog iz ESIF mikro zajmovi za obrtna sredstva u sklopu Operativnog programa konkurentnosti i kohezije