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Mitrosilis S.A.

The ob­jec­tive of Mitrosilis S.A. is to pack­age fruits that meet the ex­pec­ta­tions of cus­tomers and con­sumers, as well as le­gal and statu­tory re­quire­ments with re­gard to qual­ity, va­ri­ety, taste, food safety and hy­giene.

About us


Mitrosilis S.A. was founded in 1976 and since then it has been fol­low­ing a dy­namic course in the field of pack­ag­ing and ex­port­ing fresh fruit.

In the be­gin­ning, the main ac­tiv­ity was to ex­port apri­cots. Through years it has es­tab­lished its pres­ence in the field of cit­rus, grapes and nowa­days, in the field of Kiwi.

Its fam­ily “char­ac­ter” al­low us to fol­low a dy­namic course in the field of ex­ports. More­over, due to the best qual­ity of its prod­ucts, Mitrosilis S.A. has man­aged to have a guar­anty-en­sur­ing rep­u­ta­tion and to be a re­li­able part­ner.

Mitrosilis S.A. is a fi­nan­cially sound, with­out loans and ef­fi­cient com­pany with a prof­itable course. It’s a re­li­able part­ner to its sup­pli­ers with­out any de­lays of pay­ments.

Con­stantly in­creas­ing in­vest­ments both in ma­chin­ery and well trained staff are cur­rently lead­ing the way for high lev­els of to­tal qual­ity and sat­is­fac­tion of even the most de­mand­ing stan­dards.

he ob­jec­tive of Mitrosilis S.A. is to pack­age fruits that meet the ex­pec­ta­tions of cus­tomers and con­sumers, as well as le­gal and statu­tory re­quire­ments with re­gard to qual­ity, va­ri­ety, taste, food safety and hy­giene.

The cus­tomer fo­cus of our com­pany is to de­ter­mine cus­tomer needs and re­quire­ments and con­verts them into the form of de­fined re­quire­ments with the goal of achiev­ing cus­tomer con­fi­dence in its prod­ucts.

Mitrosilis S.A. se­lects fruits of high qual­ity, care­fully and with de­tailed con­trol. More­over, makes a firm eval­u­a­tion of sup­pli­ers in or­der to re­spond to de­mand­ing stan­dards of the mar­ket.

Our scope is the ex­pan­sion of our prod­uct line through the de­vel­op­ment and in­tro­duc­tion in the mar­ket of new and/​or im­proved prod­ucts.



Oranges – Irini Mitrosili

Mandarins – Stavros Karasis

Kiwi – Theodoros Drivas

Apricots – Kolostoumpi Eleni

Watermelons – Konstantinos Charitos


Packing Station of Citrus

Based in an area of 10.000m2

Covered area: 4.500m2

Frigo Rooms: 700m2-Capacity: 3.500m3


Packing Station of Apricots, Grapes,watermelons & Kiwi

Based in an area of 11.000m2

Covered area: 4.300m2

Frigo Rooms: 2600m2-Capacity: 12.500m3

Extra storage places covering 2,000 m2,based in an area of 5.000m2


All the above premises are modern, are very closeto the production process and they are self owned grounds of the company.


Mitrosilis exportations(in a normal season)

22,000 tons of oranges

3,000 tons of mandarins

2,000 tons of apricots

4,000 tons of grapes

5,000 tons of kiwi

3,500 tons of watermelons


Mitrosilis capability of packaging

Citrus: 25 tons per hour

Grapes: 180 packers -40 tons per swift (2 trucks of 500g punnet)

Apricots: 60 packers -3 tons per hour &2 automatic machines 2,5 tons per hour (2 trucks of 1000g punnet per swift)

Kiwi: 50 packers -15 tons per hour

Watermelons –5 trucks per swift


The management and all employees at Mitrosilis S.A. are committed to package fruits to the highest safety standards which conform to the requirements of our customers and the most exacting regulatory and inspection authorities.It is also Mitrosilis S.A. policy to continuously improve these standards to provide totally healthy and safe products to customers and consumers. To achieve this policy, and to ensure all safety procedures and documentation are properly controlled, Mitrosilis S.A. has implemented a Food Safety Management System in accordance with the requirements of the International Standards, ISO 22000:2018, IFS & BRC, Global Standard for Food Safety Issue 8.


The fruit producers are for MITROSILIS SA a big advantage for the upward progress of the company .

They give their support all these years and they are committed to the company , following the necessary standards for the cultivation of safe products.

There is constant communication for all steps of the cultivation of fruit.MITROSILIS SA thanks to its knowledge and experience and the excellent relationship it has with the growers, manages to maintain the very high quality of its products.

Moreover, Mitrosilis SA has created a producer group which follow the GLOBALGAP standard.


Social Welfare

MITROSILIS SA with awareness of its responsibility towards society and to provide quality services to customers, suppliers, employees and to the general community, taking account of national, European and international legal requirements and regulations governing labour issues and social issues responsibility in general and specifically in accordance with the principles of BSCI. In 2014, MITROSILIS SA made the first certification of GLOBALG.A.P. RISK ASSESSMENT ON SOCIAL PRACTICE (GRASP). MITROSILIS SA is a B Member in the Sedex Organisation and certified by SMETA in both sites. In 2023, Mitrosilis was certified by Globalg.a.p. Chain of Custody.

ISO 22000
ISO 9001
BRC Global standard


Mitrosilis S.A., by pro­vid­ing in­no­v­a­tive so­lu­tions based on the most mod­ern prod­ucts, mea­sure­ment sys­tems, sup­ports net­works and the con­tin­ued ex­pan­sion of its range of prod­ucts and ser­vices to­gether with serv­ing the new ap­pli­ca­tions and cus­tomer needs, has gained the con­fi­dence of large Su­per Mar­ket chains. 95% of the ex­ports are di­rectly to Su­per Mar­kets.

The busi­ness net­work ex­pands in 24 coun­tries in Eu­rope (Ger­many, Great Britain, Aus­tria, Den­mark, Nor­way, Fin­land, Czech Re­pub­lic, Swe­den, Switzer­land, Hun­gary, Slove­nia, Croa­tia, etc.), in Asia, more spe­cific in In­dia, China and Hong Kong, thus in the Mid­dle East Coun­tries and moreover to USA, Canada and South America.


Fresh Culture!

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