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OPG Kućica Bobica

Cultivation of blueberry

About us

About us

Kućica Bobica is located in Brezova Glava, a hilly and wooded area south of Karlovac. A plantation of approximately 1000 berry bushes is located at a pleasantly airy 270 meters above sea level. The Kućica Bobica cultivates the bushes of its blueberries in a natural way, weeding the grass by hand without the use of any pesticides, and if necessary we irrigate them with clean water from the nearby accumulation lakes. With June, the blueberries ripen and the harvest begins, which we do in hygienic gloves, and we immediately store the harvested fruits in the cold room and deliver them fresh, healthy and juicy to consumers.


Possibility of delivery: YES


Brezova Glava 60,
Karlovac 47000
See map




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