OPG Sinković Danijel has been engaged in agricultural production since 2007, we started production primarily for our own needs and thus from year to year increased production and culture, given that there was great interest in our quality domestic products.
Even today, we perform production exclusively with family labour and that is why we guarantee the maximum quality of our products. Today, our primary activity is the production of top quality pumpkin oil and pumpkin-related products (pumpkin flour, spreads, hot, salty, garlic seeds, chocolate with dark and white chocolate).
As an example of good practice on increasing quantities of arable land, we had to include crop rotation, so the cereals from which we make flour (corn flour, corn grits-polenta, buckwheat flour, spelt flour and pumpkin flour) proved to be excellent.
With a slightly less represented culture, we also make a part of mixed vegetables indoors and outdoors, and the most represented is cherry beans. In production, our goal has always been to create added value for culture and thus make higher profits, and today we have several dozen products that are placed on the market throughout the year, and some as seasonal products.
Every year we improve with additional courses, seminars and gatherings so that our products are always at the top, as evidenced by regular visits to the international oil exhibition where we achieve excellent results for oil quality and winter evaluation under the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Croatia. top winter. That is why we welcome the interest of our current and future customers who recognize our products and certainly enrich their table with them and enlarge the hearts of others.