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Poljoprivredna zadruga Trs


About us

About us

The best stories are personal stories. Stories from love or personal needs are those stories that create added value and give what makes a difference. This is exactly the story of the Trs winery.

Two friends – Zlatko and Marijo, dissatisfied with the placement of raw materials and dependence on others as grape producers, decided to produce wine from their own grapes.

With little experience in wine production, both winegrowers, driven by the desire to give value to their fruit, embarked on a joint business adventure without even dreaming of where it would lead them, seventeen years later.

In the very beginning, everyone produced wine for themselves in the house of the Bosniak family. The initial capacity was 30,000 litres of wine. Seeing that the community has many advantages, they united in 2003.

During that period, a family house and a larger associated basement for production were built, where two friends decided to stay together, open an agricultural cooperative and enter into a joint production.

In 2007, they founded the Trs winery and moved the entire production and increased the capacity to 80,000 litres. At that moment, they cultivated 29 hectares of their own plantations.

They divide the tasks among themselves, each one the one that suits them better. So Marijo takes care of the vineyards, and Zlatko takes care of the wine. The two friends stayed to work together and opened an agricultural cooperative.

At that time, the cooperative consisted of 4 members, Marija and Zlatka and their wives, who were also its founders. After some time, even that basement became too small for them, so in 2009 they decided to buy a new location for the basement.

In order to avoid a large credit risk, they enter into cooperation with Mr Ilijon Tokić from Sesvet as an investor and strategic partner. With it, they get a much wider circle of acquaintances and markets.

From the very beginning, Vinarija Trs has been a story of friendship and success, and only then a successful entrepreneurial story. Step by step, together, as three friends, as three families, they build a business without sudden jumps, and what is more important, without falls.

With our entry into the EU, numerous possibilities for applying for EU funds have opened up for us. With the help of EU funds, the Trs winery can boast of a new cellar, capacity expansion and production modernization. All with the goal of sustainable wine quality in view of the large increase in capacity.

The current capacity is 550,000 l, of which the annual production is from 300,000 to 350,000 l. Today, the cooperative has 16 members who own 70 hectares of vineyards, of which the Trs cooperative cultivates 60 hectares and employs 14 people.

Trs Winery is more than an entrepreneurial story. It’s a story about the success of a cooperative, the idea of ​​working together, cooperation, lower investment in joint production, and ultimately going to the market together and making a wish come true.

It is a story about friends, about families, about their love for the land, the fertile soil that we are rich in, the fruits that the land can provide and the top-quality wine the end result that the Trs winery wants to offer to every lover of good wine and Croatian products.


Our mission is to provide our customers with top-quality and value wine, along with an unforgettable experience of warmth, friendships and fun.


Guided by tradition, experience and knowledge and constant investment in quality, equipment and community, we are ready to conquer new markets, keep the old ones satisfied and keep a step ahead of others in the form of innovations, new products and ideas.

History of the winery


Basement in Čaira

The first mention of the area of ​​today’s Josip Juraj Strossmayer street appears in the time of the Ottomans when the area was called Čaira. The term comes from the Turkish word çaira, which means meadow. This shows that at that time there was a meadow in the area of ​​Čaira, and in the List of Streets from 1834, there is no street yet.

From the same year, in the Luknarski knjigi for Šimićeva street (today’s Radićeva), several families are listed in Čara, then still a part of Šimićeva street. The cultivation of vines in the Ilok area dates back to the 3rd century and the time of the Roman emperor Probus, but it was only with the arrival of the Italian noble family Odescalchi that the planting and cultivation of vines and wine production were modernized.

In the second half of the 19th century, many Ilok wines won prizes at wine fairs throughout Europe. The need for the association of local winegrowers and winemakers grew more and more due to competition and better placement of Iloč wine in European markets.

The first such association was created on January 30, 1872, under the name The first Srijem wine joint-stock company when it was confirmed by the Royal Croatian-Slavonic-Dalmatian Land Government – Department of Internal Affairs.

The founding members were Ivan Tirol, Mija Ferenčević, Marijan Karlović, Mita Kirijanović, Ignatz Wortman, Josip Kindl, Julius Mozer and Marko Meštrović, while Paja Arsenić became the president of the Society.

In the rules of the society printed in 1882, it is stated that the goal of the society is “the improvement of Srem wine according to the latest system and the sale of the same as profitably, and it will be sold under the name of Srem wine”. Concern about the storage and sale of wine prompted the cooperatives to build a building with a cooperative cellar in Čaira.

There is no preserved information about the year of construction of the cooperative cellar, but it is known that it was very deep and had a capacity of 20 wagon barrels, and the space above the cellar had an area of ​​834 m². It is known that in the 60s of the 20th century, the cellar with built-in cisterns had a capacity of about 44 wagons of wine.

The first Srijem wine shareholder’s company had a good placement of its wines on the domestic market and on the Danube to the European market until the appearance of the phylloxera disease in the 80s of the 19th century when the vineyards began to decline. In that period, due to several factors, the Company’s business was getting worse, and in the 90s it stopped working. After the Society collapsed, the cellar stopped working.

Arriving in Ilok from the area of ​​today’s Czech Republic, Stjepan Bernheim founded a brick factory in the location where the cooperative cellar used to be. It is not known exactly when it started working, but the brick was marked S.B. On the western part of the land, Bernheim established a modern steam-powered factory in 1906 with modern machines for making bricks and tiles with a circular kiln “Ring”.

The factory ceased operations in 1921, so due to losses, Bernheim was forced to sell off the factory’s assets. It was the last brick factory in the upper town. The factory buildings were soon demolished, and the western part of the land was divided into smaller plots where people built houses in the following years.

Shortly after the brick factory stopped working, several craftsmen from Ilok and surrounding towns bought machines for the production of woollen goods with the intention of establishing a factory. Sreska banka Ruma, Ilok branch, became interested in its financing, in which Rudolf Horvatović, surveyor, member of the bank’s board and later director of the factory, played a major role.

It was founded in 1922. Tvornica woollen goods d.d. in Ilok with a basic share capital of 5,000,000 dinars, and the building of the former First Sriem Winery Shareholding Company, the so-called Winemaker from Stjepan Bernheim, owner of the brick factory.

In the one-story building, which is massively built of hard material, internal modifications and upgrades were made, and then the imported machines began to be assembled.

Rooms for spinning wool, a spinning mill, a weaving mill, a laundry and a machine shop were created. According to data from 1923, it employed 24 workers in the tasks of combing, mixing and spinning wool, weaving, washing, dyeing, finishing and stacking goods in the machine shop.

Business problems arose in 1924 due to poor organization and technology that could not compete with the market. In addition, lending by the bank came into question, so in 1925 the Woolen Goods Factory was put into liquidation. Finished goods, raw materials for production and machines were sold at the auction.

From the estimated value of 2,000,000 dinars, the factory was sold for 265,000 dinars, and the building was bought by the Municipality of Ilok. The size of the cellar in Čaira can be found in the business reports of the Croatian wine-growing cooperative in Ilok from 1943.

Namely, the said cooperative planned to buy from the Municipality of Ilok the cellar of the former cooperative with a volume of about 5,000 hl and which was able to expand further, but the end of the Second World War and the change in the political situation stopped further plans related to the cellar in Čaira.

Literature used from the permanent exhibition and holdings of the Museum of the City of Ilok




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Our mission is to provide our customers with the highest quality and value of wine, together with an unforgettable experience of warmth, friendship and fun.

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