Ministry of Agriculture: Poultry and poultry meat production on the rise

22. April 2019. VeeMee
Production of poultry and poultry meat during 2018 increased compared to 2017 by 2 per cent. The total production of chicken and turkey meat in 2018 reached an estimated amount of 85,500 tons, according to the Ministry of Agriculture.

The export of poultry meat also increased significantly, so in 2018 it amounted to 8,878 tons, which is an increase compared to the previous year of 14.4 per cent. In the same period, imports of poultry meat increased by 7 per cent and amounted to 20,806 tons. The production of day-old turkeys in 2018 increased by 4 per cent compared to the previous year, while the production of day-old chicks in 2018 was at the level of 2017. In the period from 2012 to 2018, Croatia recorded an increase in production of day-old poultry by 9 per cent.

Poultry and poultry meat production on the rise

The total consumption of all types of poultry meat last year was 103,007 tons, which in relation to production means that self-sufficiency in the sector is 89 per cent.

The same level of self-sufficiency in poultry meat production was recorded in 2017. The value of exports of breaded poultry meat products was HRK 185.9 million, while the value of imports of breaded products amounted to approximately HRK 125.5 million.

According to the VETI system of the Directorate of Veterinary and Food Safety, the slaughter of approximately 39 million poultry of all species was registered in 35 poultry slaughterhouses.

Read the original article here.

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