Construction and equipping of 22 oil mills is underway

17. April 2019. VeeMee

The Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Croatia and Minister of Agriculture, Tomislav Tolušić, attended today, April 17, 2019, in Zagreb, the signing of 22 contracts for investments in oil production facilities, signed with farmers by the Director of the Agency for Payments in Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development. Matilda Copić.

The total value of project support is HRK 26.7 million, while the total value of investments is HRK 56.2 million. Contracts are the result of the 3rd tender type of operation 4.2.1. – Increase in value-added to agricultural products from the Rural Development Program of the Republic of Croatia worth HRK 75 million, which, unlike the previous two, was intended exclusively for investments in facilities for the production of olive oil, pumpkin (pumpkin) and fruit.

Construction and equipping of 22 oil mills is underway

The value of support per project envisaged by the tender ranged from EUR 15,000 to EUR 600,000, and the intensity of support per project was 50% of the total eligible project costs.

“We want products with added value and we create conditions for such production and processing of agricultural products. Without the proximity of the oil mill, there is no quality oil that we are proud of, so we designed the tender precisely to process as much domestic raw material into oil in domestic oil mills and provide producers with a better position in the market with added value. “
said the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister, Tomislav Tolušić, and commented in particular on olive growing “The demand for olive oils is increasing, consumers are increasingly appreciating” boutique “production, so we have a chance for higher production, for planting new olive groves and organic ones. Olive growing is one of our strategic productions in the group of extremely sensitive sectors that we especially encourage, and the incentives for the extra virgin olive oil produced and sold remain. “

There are a number of measures in the Rural Development Program to which olive growers can apply. From investing in modernization and increasing capacity, investing in starting non-agricultural activities, they can get funds as small or young farmers, to restore production potential, through environmental and environmental subsidies to very favourable insurance policies.

Read the Ministry’s announcement in full here.

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