Farmers signed the first 309 contracts for economic development

13. April 2019. VeeMee

Each grant of 15,000 euros – money provided for more than 3,000 farmers for economic development

Contracts worth a total of HRK 34.4 million were signed, ie each farmer was granted EUR 15,000 in kuna equivalent. These are farmers whose farms are of economic size from 2,000 euros to 7,999 euros, and who will use that money to invest in various activities on their family farms.

The Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Croatia and Minister of Agriculture, Tomislav Tolušić, attended today, April 10, 2019, in Zagreb the signing of an agreement signed on behalf of the Agency for Payments in Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development by Director Matilda Copić with 309 farms that met the conditions in the 3rd tender of the type of operation 6.3.1. “Support to the development of small agricultural holdings” of the Rural Development Program of the Republic of Croatia.

Contracts worth a total of HRK 34.4 million were signed, ie each farmer was granted EUR 15,000 in kuna equivalent. These are farmers whose farms are of economic size from 2,000 euros to 7,999 euros, and who will use that money to invest in various activities on their family farms.

Namely, funds within the operation 6.3.1. they are intended to help small farms transition to market-oriented production, sustainable development, growth and increase competitiveness.

Small farmers will thus finance the purchase of domestic animals, annual and perennial plants, seeds and planting material, then build and equip the premises for the purpose of agricultural production and processing. With the non-refundable money from this measure, farmers will finance the purchase or lease of agricultural land, agricultural machinery, machinery and equipment and raise perennial plantations, and will be able to build and equip facilities for the sale and presentation of their own agricultural products.

Farmers signed the first 309 contracts for economic development

These 309 contracts signed today in Zagreb are the beginning of contracting projects from the 3rd tender for 6.3.1. on which as many as 6,013 applications were received, the most applications within one tender since the implementation of the Rural Development Program of the Republic of Croatia. Due to the huge interest of farmers for this measure, the initial allocation in the amount of HRK 279 million, provided for the financing of projects submitted to this tender, was increased to HRK 344 million, which enabled the financing of 3,082 projects.

“Today, the contracts were signed by the first tenth of all farmers whose projects we will finance in this tender, the rest are signed in order, following the completed controls. When the processing of all projects from the third tender is completed, in total we will from operation 6.3.1. have almost 5,500 small farms financed with more than 600 million kuna – invested in growth, development and increasing competitiveness. Measure 6, especially sub-measures for small and young farmers are the most popular measures of the Rural Development Program and the interest shown by our farmers in investing in their and our future leaves no room for doubt in the will, desire and intention of new generations to stay in rural areas. stated the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister, Tomislav Tolušić.

Following the Financing Agreement concluded today, farmers will be paid the first instalment of support in the amount of HRK 55,593.75, so that they can start their investments immediately.

Writes: Agrobiz

Read the original article here.

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