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About us


is a berry specialized company located in The Netherlands.

We always focus on flavorful berries. To achieve this, we collaborate with smaller growers who take meticulous care of their products. Additionally, we extend our support to growers in developing countries, aiding them in accessing global markets and uplifting local communities. Some notable examples include sourcing blueberries from Kosovo and strawberries from Ethiopia. While our primary focus is on strawberries and blueberries, we also offer raspberries, blackberries, and red currants seasonally.

Projekt je sufinancirala Europska unija kroz Nacionalni plan oporavka i otpornosti 2021.-2026.: Financira Europska unija – NextGenerationEU.
Krajnji primatelj financijskog instrumenta sufinanciranog iz Europskog fonda za regionalni razvoj u sklopu Operativnog programa "Konkurentnost i kohezija" https://hamagbicro.hr/
The creation of this website was co-financed by the European Union from European Structural and Investment Funds Krajnji korisnik financijskog instrumenta sufinanciranog iz ESIF mikro zajmovi za obrtna sredstva u sklopu Operativnog programa konkurentnosti i kohezije