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G. N. Frangistas S.A. “GEFRA”

The largest citrus exporter from Greece

About us

About us

G. N. Frangistas “GEFRA” is a family business since 1953. Our decades-long years of experience are in fruit and specifically citrus! We are specialists in oranges and have a strong presence in clementines, lemons and watermelons.

Our citrus is harvested from all over Greece. Oranges started being cultivated on a large scale in the 1950s. Within a few years, oranges represented a significant income for growers and became the main crop in several regions. In particular, the plain of Argolis with its abundant sunlight is covered with citrus.

At GEFRA our partnerships matter. That is why we partner with selected farms that meet all our expectations and criteria so as to always deliver the freshest and safest products to our consumers.

We want people around the world who consume our products to be confident in the knowledge that every fruit has been bred, grown, picked and packed with passion for quality and respect for the environment.

Contact us

You can contact us at: WWW.GEFRA.GR, FACEBOOK at GEFRA, and Linkedin GEFRA. We are online 24/7.

IFS Food


We work with retailers Billa, Carrefour, Jeronimo Martins, Kaufland, Konzum, Lidl, Metro, Spar, Tesco and others.

Fairs: Fruit Logistica Berlin

Memberships: Incofruit Hellas Fruit-Vegetables Europe (Eucofel) Brussels


Nafplio, Greece 21100
See map
GEFRA takes food safety, ethical trading and environmental impact very seriously and this ethos has allowed us to supply the largest retailers of Europe with Greece's finest fruit.

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