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OPG Darko Radonjić

Farming of Japanese quails and production of their medicinal eggs

About us

About us

We have been breeding Japanese quails for 7 years for the purpose of producing their medicinal eggs. We are located in Anđeli surrounded by meadows, deciduous and coniferous forests.

Nature has endowed us with an abundance of green herbs (dandelion, riga, clover). 6 to 8 months a year we feed our quails with these herbs that we pick ourselves.

In nature, quails live along river banks, so we give them river sand as an integral part of their diet. As a source of protein, we prepare a mixture of cereals (corn, wheat, barley, oats, sunflower) which we grind in our mill.

We invite you to visit our family farm.

Possibility of delivery: YES


Bregi-Anđeli 75,
Matulji 51211
See map




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