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OPG Mihael Brkašić


About us

About us

OPG Mihael Brkašić is a small family farm that has been engaged in beekeeping for the last 16 years. I started beekeeping with my father from my own two hives, and today my wife and I have an apiary with 55 bee colonies.

In production, the most important thing for me is the quality of honey, because when selling honey, it undergoes an analysis before delivery, and it was exported to France, Germany, and Hungary.

Our products

  • Beeswax candles
Buy local Croatian product

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Projekt je sufinancirala Europska unija kroz Nacionalni plan oporavka i otpornosti 2021.-2026.: Financira Europska unija – NextGenerationEU.
Krajnji primatelj financijskog instrumenta sufinanciranog iz Europskog fonda za regionalni razvoj u sklopu Operativnog programa "Konkurentnost i kohezija" https://hamagbicro.hr/
The creation of this website was co-financed by the European Union from European Structural and Investment Funds Krajnji korisnik financijskog instrumenta sufinanciranog iz ESIF mikro zajmovi za obrtna sredstva u sklopu Operativnog programa konkurentnosti i kohezije