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OPG Špoljar Miroslav

Cultivation of blueberry

About us

About us

OPG Miroslav Špoljar has been growing blueberries since 2013 on a plantation in Pojatno near Zaprešić. The plantation is under the watchful eye of an expert team, and the blueberries are not sprayed. We deliver freshly picked blueberries to your doorstep.

We offer

Since 2013, we have been growing blueberries on the plantation in Pojatno near Zaprešić. Our blueberries are not sprayed, and they are carefully cared for by a qualified team of people. The price is 60 kn / kg, we deliver to the house threshold of an order of at least 2 kg (120 kn). Delivery is within 3 working days, for the Zagreb area.


Ulica Matije Gupca 132a,
Kupljenovo 10295
See map


Owner: Miroslav Špoljar




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