Zagreb County invites farmers to join VeeMee

5. December 2019.

Zagreb County invites farmers from its area to join the digital platform VeeMee, which in just a few clicks allows consumers to find out information about the origin of the products they buy. For the first 40 agricultural producers, Zagreb County provided free use of the platform.

Using the platform, when buying a product, consumers will simply find out where and how the product was produced and who produced it by simply scanning the QR code on the product. On the other hand, manufacturers will get additional visibility of their products in the market and the opportunity to increase the number of customers.

Marko Kozjak - founder of the VeeMee platform

-This platform is best described by two provocative slogans: “Do you think you know what you eat?” And “Do you think you know what you drink?” Therefore we believe it will attract a significant number of producers and consumers who have the right to choose and be informed about products. The county with only the largest number of family farms in Croatia, therefore we have a lot to offer domestic, quality products to the market – said the head of the Administrative Department for Agriculture, Rural Development and Forestry Josip Kraljičković.

All interested registered producers from the Zagreb County who want to become part of the VeeMee platform should fill out the questionnaire located here and deliver it by e-mail at

Source : Zagrebačka županija

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